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Lab 3A: The Results Are In!

Lab 3A - The results are in!

Directions: Follow along with the slides, completing the questions in blue on your computer, and answering the questions in red in your journal.

Conducting experiments

  • Previously in class, you conducted an experiment to gauge how a stimulus affected people's perception of time.

    – Some people were given a treatment, others were not.

  • In this lab, we'll use the data cycle to analyze the research question:

    Does the stimulus your class chose change people's perception of time?

Coming up with questions

  • Write down two statistical investigative questions that will help you answer the research question from the previous slide.

  • Then, export, upload, import your experiment data into RStudio.

    – If you're having trouble coming up with good statistical investigative questions, try loading the data and looking at the variables.

    – Ask yourself, How would I use these variables to answer the research question?

Analyzing our data

  • Create appropriate plots to answer your statistical investigative questions.

  • Calculate appropriate numerical summaries to answer your statistical investigative questions.

  • Write down a few sentences interpreting your plots and summaries.

Wrapping it up

  • Is it possible your initial results occurred by chance alone?

    Use repeated shuffling to determine how likely the typical difference between the two groups occurred by chance alone.

    Create a plot and use it to justify your answer.

  • What do you conclude about the research question?

    Write a report using the plots and analysis you conducted to answer the research question.

    – Be sure to describe how you conducted your experiment.